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中文工作【报表 bào biǎo, Reports】Write Chinese 职场汉语: 财务报表 Working for a Chinese company 职业技能

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报表 [forms for reporting to the higher organizations] 是指用于向上级报告情况的表格。简单的说:报表就是用表格、图表等格式来动态显示数据,可以用公式表示为:“报表 = 多样的格式 + 动态的数据”。

A report is a form used to report to superiors. Simply put: a report is a form that uses tables, charts, and other formats to dynamically display data. It can be expressed as: “Report = Various formats + Dynamic data”.




Before computers, people used paper and pen to record data. For example, the tofu account often mentioned by the people means that tofu sellers record their tofu sales in a notebook every day, and then summarize and calculate them every month. In this case, the report data and the report format are closely combined and are all in the same notebook. The data can only be expressed in a form that almost only the accountant can understand, and this form is difficult to modify.

After the emergence of computers, people use the computer’s data processing and interface design functions to generate and display reports. The main features of reports on computers are dynamic data, diversified formats, and complete separation of report data and report formats. Users can only modify data or only modify the format. Report classification EXCEL, WORD and other editing software: They can make very complex report formats, but because they do not define a special report structure to dynamically load report data, all data in this type of software is already defined, static, and cannot change dynamically. They have no way to realize the “data dynamic” feature of report software.

Database software: They can have dynamically changing data, but this type of software generally only provides the simplest table format to display data. They do not realize the “format diversification” feature of report software. Report software, they need to have a special report structure to dynamically load data, and can also realize the diversification of report formats.

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