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学中文【双重否定】Double Negative Sentences in Chinese 加强肯定 (例句解析)

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汉语中的双重否定 Double Negatives in Chinese(例句解析)

汉语有两种类型的双重否定句式:一是一般的双重否定句式,这是连用两个否定词组成的;二是特殊的双重否定句式,这是由一个否定词和一个反问词组成的反问句。 There are two types of double-negative sentence patterns in Chinese: one is a general double-negative sentence pattern, which is composed of two negative words; the other is a special double-negative sentence pattern, which is composed of a negative word and a rhetorical question.

否定性词语汇总 Summary of Negative Words

不 not,没 no,非 no,无 nothing,别 do not,否 no

#1. 连用两个否定词 1. Use two negative words together

#1.1 不…… 不…… 。
你不去不可以。 You must go.
我不是不喜欢她。 I like her.
不是我不关心。 I care.
你不会不干的。 You will not quit.
他不得不走。 He had to go.
不达目的,决不罢休。 Never give up unless you reach your goal.
不完成任务,我们就不休息。 We will not rest unless we complete the task.

#1.2 没…… 不…… 。
没有发现不正常情况。 Everything is normal.
不是没有困难。 Have some difficulties
我们的团队不能没有你。 Our team must have you.
没有一个不佩服他的。 Everyone admires him.

#1.3 无…… 不…… 。
无风不起浪。 No wind, no wave.
不无为难之处。 There are lots of difficulties.
你说的不无道理。 What you said is reasonable.

#1.4 非…… 不…… 。
非他不嫁。 Must marry him.

#1.5 别…… 不…… 。
你别不来。 You need to come.

#1.6 除非…… 否则…… 。
除非他先把功课写完,否则他就不能出去玩。 Unless he finishes his homework first, he can’t go out to play.

#2. 否定词和一个反问句 2. Use a negative word and a rhetorical question together

还不是那个讨厌的人么? It’s that nasty person.
难道我不想结婚吗? I want to get married.
这不是伟大的奇观吗? This is a great spectacle.

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