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学写中文字【年终奖】How to Write Year-end Bonus in Chinese 汉语课程 Chinese Handwriting 中国职场文化

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年终奖 /nián zhōng jiǎng/(Annual year-end bonus)是指每年度末企业给予员工不封顶的奖励,是对一年来的工作业绩的肯定。










Year-end bonus refers to an unlimited reward given to employees by the company at the end of each year, which is an affirmation of work performance over the past year.

The amount and form of year-end bonuses are generally adjusted by the company itself according to circumstances. A good year-end bonus system must have good evaluation indicators, evaluation methods, distribution rules and other corresponding systems, which can effectively motivate employees and increase corporate cohesion.

During the Chinese New Year, in addition to the normal salary, some red envelopes and gifts are given to employees or subordinates as year-end rewards. This rule has been around for a long time. In the Republic of China, shop assistants, workshop craftsmen, company employees, and pawnshop attendants generally received year-end bonuses. Rewards are mainly in the form of red envelopes. Red envelopes can be large or small, depending on the level of the recipient, the caliber of the giver, and more importantly, the efficiency of the “unit” and everyone’s work performance that year. At that time, most shops and workshops had a group of apprentices, that is, novices who had not yet completed their apprenticeship period. Apprentices generally did not receive wages. The boss only provided food and accommodation, but did not pay wages. However, year-end bonuses are indispensable. If they encounter a generous boss, some apprentices can receive twenty or thirty yuan in red envelopes by the end of the year. No matter how stingy the boss is, he will put a table on the table at the end of the year to give the apprentices a good meal. This good meal can also be counted as a year-end bonus.

Historical records

Merchant’s year-end bonus

During the Chinese New Year, in addition to the normal salary, some red envelopes and gifts are given to employees or subordinates as year-end rewards. This rule has been around for a long time. In the Republic of China, shop assistants, workshop craftsmen, company employees, and pawnshop attendants generally received year-end bonuses. Rewards are mainly in the form of red envelopes. Red envelopes can be large or small, depending on the level of the recipient, the caliber of the giver, and more importantly, the efficiency of the “unit” and everyone’s work performance that year. At that time, most shops and workshops had a group of apprentices, that is, novices who had not yet completed their apprenticeship period. Apprentices generally did not receive wages. The boss only provided food and accommodation, but did not pay wages. However, year-end bonuses are indispensable. If they encounter a generous boss, some apprentices can receive twenty or thirty yuan in red envelopes by the end of the year. No matter how stingy the boss is, he will put a table on the table at the end of the year to give the apprentices a good meal. This good meal can also be counted as a year-end bonus.

Official’s year-end bonus

The imperial court is different from enterprises. Enterprises are afraid of employees changing jobs, but the imperial court is not afraid of officials resigning. After all, their jobs are different. Working in the imperial court is an iron rice bowl, with a stable income. There are also late-night snacks that can be eaten secretly. Few people just walk away and fire leaders. Probably for this reason, in the past, the court issued year-end bonuses to officials more promptly than stores to employees. Unless there was a financial crisis, there was no delay or pressure.

For example, in the Eastern Han Dynasty, as soon as the twelfth lunar month entered, the emperor began to pay year-end bonuses to civil and military officials. There were rules for how much to pay: the general and the three princes were each given 200,000 pieces of money (five baht, the same below), 200 kilograms of beef, 200 dendrobiums of rice; each of the nine ministers will be given 100,000 pieces of money; each of the lieutenants will be given 50,000 pieces of money; each of the ministers will be given 30,000 pieces of money; and each of the ministers will be given 20,000 pieces of money.
In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the purchasing power of a five-baht coin was equivalent to RMB 4 cents, and a handful of rice weighed 16 kilograms. Based on this, it is estimated that the year-end bonus each of the general and the third prince can receive is about 100,000 yuan in RMB. . At that time, the monthly salary of Sangong and General was only 17,500 five-baht coins, which was only 7,000 yuan in RMB. This year-end bonus was more than their annual salary.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, just the opposite of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the salaries of civil and military officials were very high, but the year-end bonuses were very small. Every winter solstice, the emperor gives year-end bonuses to senior officials. The prime ministers, privy envoys, and ministers who have been crowned kings each receive only 5 sheep, 5 stone noodles, 2 stones of rice, and 2 jars of rice wine. In the Song Dynasty, one stone was 66 liters, which could hold about 50 kilograms of rice and 30 kilograms of flour. Two stones of rice was nothing more than 100 kilograms, and five stones of noodles was nothing more than 150 kilograms. Plus those five sheep, it was worth thousands of dollars. When the famous upright official Bao Zheng “sat down in Kaifeng Mansion of Nanya”, he had salary (monthly allowance), meal allowance (meal money), beverage subsidy (tea money), heating subsidy (firewood money), and entertainment subsidy ( Minister’s money), there are post subsidies (additional money), all added together, it is nearly 10,000 yuan a year, which is converted into RMB based on purchasing power, which is at least 6 million yuan. That year-end bonus is nothing compared to his salary.

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