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【金字旁】Chinese Radical of Metal 学写中文偏旁部首笔画 Learn to Write Chinese Characters|汉字学习方法

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钅[釒] is used as a radical, called “Golden Words”. Many simplified forms are derived from cursive script. For example, 讠[訁], 饣[飠], 纟[糹], 钅[釒], in cursive script there is a form next to “钅” written today, so the words next to the word “釒” are all simplified “钅” to express.



【例】锂 铍 钠 镁 铝 钾 钙 钪 钛 钒 铬 锰 铁 钴 镍 铜 锌 镓 锗 铷 锶 钇 锆 铌 钼 锝 钌 铑 钯 银 镉 铟 锡 锑 钽 钨 铼 锇 铯 钡 镧 铪 铱 铂 金 铅 铋 钋 钫 镭 锕 钍 铵 钢 鐽 錀 䥑

【例】钉 针 镜 铃 锷 钺 锅 钟 钗 链 锁 锄 铲 锭 铠 锤 铎

【例】铸 铭 镌 锻 销 镀 错 镶 钊

【例】锐 锋 锈 钝

Note: It is generally only used for the left side of the simplification, “讠,饣,纟,钅” generally can only be used for the left side (“argument”, “punishment”, “braid”, “silk”, “title” The words are also simplified, but “xin”, “oath”, “xie”, “飧”, “meal”, “line”, “xu”, “purple”, “gan”, “鎜”, “鏖”, The words “Xin” are not simplified).

The following is the general rule of Chinese characters with “钅” as the radical:

①Metals and substances with metallic characteristics
[Example] lithium beryllium sodium magnesium aluminum potassium calcium scandium titanium vanadium chromium manganese iron cobalt nickel copper zinc gallium germanium rubidium strontium yttrium niobium molybdenum technetium ruthenium rhodium palladium silver cadmium indium tin antimony tantalum tungsten rhenium osmium cesium barium lanthanum hafnium iridium platinum gold lead bismuth polonium Francium radium actinium thorium ammonium steel 鐽錀䥑

②Metal products【noun】
[Example] Nail pin, mirror, bell, yue, pot, bell, chain, lock, hoe, shovel, ingot, armor, hammer

③Metal processing【verb】
[Example] Cast inscriptions, engraved forged pins, wrongly plated and inlaid

④Description and description of metal products【adjective】
[Example] Sharp, rust, and blunt

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