怎样区分形似汉字 How to distinguish similar Chinese characters
已经 [yǐ jing]
It’s winter already.
Have you had your breakfast already?
自己 [zì jǐ]
(代词, 复指前头的名词或代词) oneself:
be angry with oneself;
expose oneself;
(亲近的; 关系密切的) of one’s own side; closely related:
one’s own brothers
Chinese characters are made up of strokes such as dot, horizontal, firm, pie, na, and lift, each with a single appearance. However, some characters are similar in shape and slightly different. We call these characters similar in shape.
形似字就形体相近而意义不同。有的形似字笔画数目不同,加”乌”和“鸟”、“夕”和“歹”、“免”和“兔”;有的是个别笔形不同,如“戌”和”戍”、“母”和“毋”、“刀”和 “刁”;有的则是构字部件有差异,如“耍”和“要”、”蓝”和“篮”、“辩”和“辨”;有的形似字差别很小,如“巳”“已”和“己”、”失”和“矢”、“未”和”末”等,只是笔画的高低、长短有区别。
Similar words are similar in form but have different meanings. Some have different shapes like “Wu” and “Bird”, “Xi” and “Evil”, “Mian” and “Rabbit”; some have different strokes, such as “戌” and “戍” and “mother”. And “Wu”, “dao” and “Diao”; some have differences in word-building components, such as “play” and “yao”, “lan” and “basket”, “bian” and “bian”; some There are very few differences in similar characters, such as “si”, “have” and “ji”, “los” and “vector”, “wei” and “mo”, etc., but there are differences in the height and length of the strokes.
Common mistakes
People often misread or write a word when reading or writing, which is often caused by similar fonts. For example, read “mourn (dào) Nian” as “drop (diào) Nian”, read “thorn (jí) hand” as “Spicy (là) hand”, and miswrite or read “舂 (chōng) rice” “Chun (chūn) rice”, etc., are due to the similarity in form. When reading or writing is not serious, not meticulous, or is not familiar with a certain word, when using it for granted, it leads to reading and writing errors.
Idiom error
If you don’t fully understand the meaning of some words in idioms, you will make mistakes when you use them. For example, misreading or miswriting the exuberant description of “tú, the white flower on the thatch”, etc. Wait.