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《刻舟求剑》🚢 Engraving The Boat for The Sword 学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Idiom Story Book Reading

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Engraving the boat for the sword means to engrave a mark on the boat gang where the sword fell into the water. After the boat stops, go into the water from the place where the mark is engraved. Metaphor does not look at things progressively as things change, but still looks at things with the old and unchanging eyes. From “Lu Shichunqiu·Chajin”.

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【大口框】Chinese Radical of Frame 意思与围圈、裹束有关|Learn Mandarin 中文偏旁部首笔画教学视频

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Radical of Frame, 大口框, dà kǒu kuāng。
Related to circle or wrap, 含有大口框的汉字大多与围圈、裹束有关, yǔ wéi quān, guǒ shù yǒu guān

例词 Example Words:
Country, 国家, guó jiā。
Surround, 包围, bāo wéi。
Reunion, 团圆, tuán yuán。
Garden, 花园, huā yuán。
Prisoner, 囚犯, qiú fàn。

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学写字【灯光】How to Write “Lights” in Chinese 各种照明灯具的中文汉字写法|中文教学 Learn Chinese

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Types of Lights , 灯光的种类 , dēng guāng de zhǒng lèi :

table lamp , 台灯 , tái dēng 。
floor lamp , 落地灯 , luò dì dēng 。
chandelier , 吊灯 , diào dēng 。
wall lamp , 壁灯 , bì dēng 。
headlights , 车灯 , chē dēng 。
street lights , 路灯 , lù dēng 。


There are two explanations for lighting: 1. The light of the lamp. 2. Refers to the lighting on the stage or in the studio. Light can be roughly divided into high light, concentrated light, astigmatism, soft light, strong light, focus light and so on.

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《熟能生巧》🎯Practice Makes Perfect 学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|学说中国话

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熟能生巧,汉语成语,拼音是shú néng shēng qiǎo,意思是熟练了就能产生巧办法,好办法。出自《镜花缘》。

Practice makes perfect, a Chinese idiom, pinyin is shú néng shēng qiǎo, which means that when you are proficient, you can produce clever ways, good ways. From “Jing Hua Yuan”.

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【爪字头】Chinese Radical of Claw 与手或手部动作有关 Related to Hand or Hand Movement|中文偏旁部首

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Radical of Claw, 爪字头, zhǎo zì tóu, zhuǎ zì tóu。
Related to hand or hand movement, 与手或手部动作有关, yǔ shǒu huò shǒu bù dòng zuò yǒu guān。

例词 Example Words:
Love, 爱, ài。
Collection, 采集, cǎi jí。
Seek, 寻觅, xún mì。
Accept, 接受, jiē shòu。
Safe, 稳妥, wěn tuǒ。

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