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【秃宝盖】Chinese Radical of Covering 与覆盖遮掩一类事物有关|Learn Chinese Handwriting 中文偏旁部首

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Radical of Covering, 秃宝盖, tū bǎo gài。
Related to covering something, 与覆盖遮掩一类事物有关, yǔ fù gài zhē yǎn yī lèi shì wù yǒu guān。

例词 Example Words:
Write, 写字xiě zì。
Crown, 皇冠huáng guàn。
Injustice, 冤屈, yuān qū。
Army, 军队, jūn duì。
Lengthy, 冗长, rǒng cháng。


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移二代学写字【水源】Write “Water Sources” in Chinese – 雨水Rainwater/井水Well Water/自来水Tap Water

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Types of Water Sources , 水源的类型 , shuǐ yuán :

Rainwater , 雨水 , yǔ shuǐ 。
Well Water , 井水 , jǐng shuǐ 。
River Water , 河水 , hé shuǐ 。
Seawater , 海水 , hǎi shuǐ 。
Tap Water , 自来水 , zì lái shuǐ 。


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《南辕北辙》📍Poles Apart 在家学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud at Home

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南辕北辙,汉语成语,拼音是nán yuán běi zhé,心想往南而车子却向北行。比喻行动和目的相抵触。出自《战国策·魏策四》。

The south turns to the north, the Chinese idiom is nán yuán běi zhé in pinyin. I want to go south but the car goes north. Metaphorical action conflicts with purpose. From “Warring States Policy·Wei Ce IV”.

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【马字旁】Chinese Radical of Horse 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|Learn to Write Chinese Characters 学写字

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Radical of Horse, 马字旁, mǎ zì páng。
Chinese characters with the radical of horse usually related to animals similar to horse and horse-related actions.

例词 Example Words:
Camel, 骆驼, luò tuó,
Donkey, 驴, lǘ,
Mule, 骡, luó,
Tame, 驯服, xùn fú,
Drive, 驾驶, jià shǐ,
Drive out, 驱赶, qū gǎn,

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简体字写法【气候带】Write “Climate Zones” in Chinese 热带/温带/寒带等气候类型|中文汉字教学

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Types of Climate Zone , 气候带分类 , qì hòu dài :

Tropical Zone , 热带 , rè dài 。
Subtropical Zone , 亚热带 , yà rè dài 。
Temperate Zone , 温带 , wēn dài 。
Subfrigid Zone , 亚寒带 , yǎ hán dài 。
Frigid Zone , 寒带 , hán dài 。

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