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【木字旁】Chinese Radical of Wood 中文偏旁部首笔画|汉字起源 The Origin of Chinese Characters

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“Wood” is one of the radicals of Chinese characters. Most of the characters with “wood” as meaning symbols are related to trees or wood products, and can be roughly divided into: ①nouns related to trees, such as: Gui, camphor, handle, pole; ②Verbs related to trees, such as: planting, planting, Analyze; ③Adjectives related to trees, such as: dry, rotten, soft.

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【提土旁】Chinese Radical of Land 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|象形汉字 Hieroglyphic Chinese Characters

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The Chinese characters with the “radical of land” are generally related to soil or ground, such as: ground, field, garbage, garbage, and buried. The “radical of land” is usually located on the left or below when it is in the form of a character. It is commonly called “tí tǔ páng” when it is on the left side, and it is commonly called “tǔ zì dǐ” when it is located below.

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【口字旁】Chinese Radical of Mouth 学写中文偏旁部首笔画 How to Write Chinese Characters|写字要领

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口是嘴巴的意思,所以口字旁的字一般跟嘴巴、嘴巴的动作、嘴巴发出的声音(如啊、哦、嗯、咩、叽等拟声字)有关系。 但是说话等语言类的一般不用口字旁,而是用言字旁,因为言本身就是从嘴巴里面发出声音。

Mouth is the meaning of mouth, so the words next to the spoken word are generally related to the mouth, the movement of the mouth, and the sounds made by the mouth (such as onomatopoeia such as a , ó , èn , miē , jī, etc.). However, speaking and other languages ​​generally do not use verbal words, but verbal words, because words themselves make sounds from the mouth.

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学写字【昆虫】🐝Write “Insects” in Chinese – 瓢虫Ladybug/蜜蜂Bee/蚂蚁Ant|练习写汉字

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Insects, 昆虫, kūn chóng。
Ladybug, 瓢虫, piáo chóng。
Bee, 蜜蜂, mì fēng。
Ant, 蚂蚁, mǎ yǐ。
Butterfly, 蝴蝶, hú dié。
Dragonfly, 蜻蜓, qīng tíng。
Praying mantis, 螳螂, táng láng。
Spider, 蜘蛛, zhī zhū。
Cricket, 蟋蟀, xī shuài。
Firefly, 萤火虫, yíng huǒ chóng。
Moth, 飞蛾, fēi é。
Mosquito, 蚊子, wén zi。
Fly, 苍蝇, cāng yíng。

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《猴子捞月》🌛Monkeys Fishing Moon 中文故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|华文寓言朗读

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猴子捞月,词语,启示:这群猴子太傻了, 竟干出如此不切实际的事。然而世上也有类似的人,他们凭幻想办事,其结果能不与猴子一样吗?

Monkey fishing for the moon, words, enlightenment: This group of monkeys are too stupid to do such an unrealistic thing. However, there are similar people in the world. They act on fantasy. Can the results be different from monkeys?

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